2019 Annual Kaslo Run - Motorcycle Camping Trip

Annual Kaslo Run Motorcycle Camping Trip

Total Duration: 4 days

Total Distance Traveled: 2,164 km

Description:  I try to do a run similar to this one at least once a year because it is so easy and enjoyable.  When you are coming south from Kamloops to Merritt at the end of day 2 make sure you take Hwy 5A and not Hwy 5 (which is the Coquihalla) because 5A is much less traffic and much nicer scenery alongside a long lake.  Then in the morning of day 3 the continuation of Hwy 5A coming down from Merritt into Princeton is an absolute joy to ride.  Try to do it early in the morning so you don't get stuck behind a slow moving logging truck, but watch out for deer.

Itinerary from Calgary, AB, Canada

Day Destination Distance (Km) Notes
1 Toad Rock Motorcycle Campground near Balfour 594 Favourite biker campground, rustic in a good way.
2 Moon Shadows RV Park and Campground in Merritt BC 527 Well maintained private campground, nice washrooms
3 Scotties RV and Campground in Creston BC 542 Excellent private campground right in town of Creston
5 Calgary 501  
  Total 2164  


Route Map: Click on image to see in Google Maps

2019 Annual Kaslo Run